Harvest Festival Tomorrow 10am at St Thomas’

Hello friends
I wanted to remind you that tomorrow is our Harvest Festival and encourage you to join us as we celebrate the goodness of God and his provision. We all come together at 10am at St Thomas’ as one family to live out the words of Jesus who said: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Let me also encourage us all to extend that love for one another to others by being generous with our gifts of food to those who have less. On Sunday we shall bring those gifts to support the food bank, giving out of what has been given to us by God and all monetary gifts received will also go towards their great work.
It will be wonderful to see you tomorrow.
Regards, Max.
P.S. Below is a list of goods that the food bank is short of at the moment.
*Current Needs* Meals in a tin Coffee and Tea Sugar (500g) Cereals Soup Tinned Meat Tuna Tinned Vegetables or Fruit Baked beans Custard Rice Puddings Bottles of Squash Cooking Sauces Jam or Marmalade

Rev Max Cross
Rector to Bedhampton Parish Max@Bedhampton.church
My usual day off is Saturday. I read my email at the beginning of each work day. If your contact is urgent please message or phone me.

Serving the community of Bedhampton by sharing God’s love and friendship.
023 9248 3013 – www.Bedhampton.church <www.bedhampton.church/> Parish Office, St Nicholas’ Church, Belmont Grove, Bedhampton, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 3PU, England.