The Marriage Sessions can help couples to create and sustain a strong and loving relationship. Whether newlyweds or married for years, this is a fantastic opportunity for couples to invest in and enrich their marriage.

The four sessions build on one another and look at how couples can grow together by learning to:
The sessions are held at St Thomas’ on Bidbury Lane and lasts for two hours on four consecutive Sunday afternoons (4pm-6pm on 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th September 2024), and there is no groupwork! Each video has a mix of stories and tips from other couples, alongside insights from leading relationship experts. The sessions include light refreshments and time for you to talk to your partner about the questions suggested in the videos.
The sessions are completely free we just need you to sign up in advance, so that we can know you are coming. The sessions will be hosted by Max and Suzy who have been married for over thirty years and have three gown married children. Why not do something amazing for your relationship this year and join us? Book here.