Bedhampton Parish APCM (Annual Meeting)


This Sunday at 11.30am following the all together 10am Mission Service at St Nicholas will be our APCM (Annual Meeting).

This meeting has been delayed for reasons mostly related to the loss of our dear friend and treasurer Mike Case. We thank you for your patience, and I would particularly like to thank Deb Vears, Jackie Mason and Marie Payne without whom we would not be able to hold our meeting this weekend. Whilst the attached reports may not show all the authoritative signatures due to availability of those involved and Covid isolation, I can assure you they have been signed and can be physically viewed at the APCM. Sunday at 11.30am after the service and after tea and coffee we shall hold a very short APCM, adhering to the legalities but minimising where we can the time it takes to go through the procedures. I estimate it will be 15 minutes. My goal next year is to make our APCM a celebration of all that God is doing in the parish and we shall be celebrating different individuals' commitment to God's Kingdom. Perhaps we might rename the APCM to the Annual Party for Church Members? Ok, perhaps not.

Finally, to adhere to the Church of England's commitment to reduce waste and our environmental footprint you will find attached the reports for our annual meeting attached. There will be a very limited number of printed reports available on the day so if you particularly want a printed report please contact the parish office before midday Friday to reserve your copy.

Regards, Max.
Rev Max Cross
Rector to Bedhampton Parish

My usual day off is Friday.
I read my email at the beginning of each work day.
If your contact is urgent please message or phone me. 

Serving the community of Bedhampton by sharing God’s love and friendship.
023 9248 3013 –
Parish Office, St Nicholas' Church, Belmont Grove,
Bedhampton, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 3PU, England.