In Bedhampton Parish, we take seriously the encouragement to reflect on our worship of Jesus and our life priorities in our financial commitments.
The money we receive helps us pay our staff, keep our buildings in good repair, finances our outreach and enables our charitable giving – in other words, it is necessary if Bedhampton Parish is going to realise its aim in “Serving the community of Bedhampton by sharing God’s love and friendship.” You can read more about our vision here.
In addtion Max (The Rector) lays out our thinking and biblical understanding of these matters in our, “Serving & Giving In Bedhampton Parish” information sheet available to download here:
How can I give?
You can give at our services when we can accept cash or card payment. The best way though is to set up a regular gift from your bank account using the Parish Giving Scheme.
You can also make a one off gift using your debit or credit card online through Give A Little.
Whichever method you choose, if you are a UK tax payer the government will add 25p to every pound you give if you Gift Aid the gift. Please select the Gift Aid option if you are eligible; it makes a big difference to the work we can undertake!
You might also like to consider leaving a legacy to Bedhampton Parish in your will. This way you can keep resourcing the Bedhampton Parish even after you die. Contact the Parish Office for more details.
We are not wanting to encourage you to spend extra money. However if you are buying online anyway you might might want to go via Easy Fundraising and we get a donation at no cost to you.

Thank you for all you give to the work of Bedhampton Parish
Max Cross
Rector (Church Leader)