Bedhampton Church

Sermon Categories: Matthew’s Gospel

  • Matthew’s Gospel 7.12

    The Golden Rule Jeremiah 31:7-9 Matthew 7:12

  • Matthew’s Gospel 6.25-34

    Psalm 23:1-6 Matthew 6:25-34 Worry

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.43-48

    Jesus said, “Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you”, which raises the question who is my enemy? This Sunday we look at that and other questions about this teaching within Matthew. How does this teaching impact all of our daily lives? Another easy week then! 1 Corinthians 13 Matthew 5:43-48 Speaking Notes…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.21-26

    For the next few weeks, we return to the Gospel of Matthew. This is a good time to re-read chapter five. On Sunday we review what it means to respond to our anger as an apprentice to Jesus. “Settle matters quickly” Matthew’s text reads. It is clear that there is no place for unresolved conflict,…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.38-42

    Matthew 5.38-42 Polly brings us our reflection

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.38-42

    Matthew 5.38-42 Vanda brings a tough question.

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.33-37

    “Yes,” or “No” that is all we need to say we read in the Gospel passage for this weekend. Yet how often have we heard someone say I’ll try and make that event, whilst inside we know that means they won’t make it. In our world where image is everything is there an erosion of…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.17-20

    Many of our friends believe that the Bible is just full of rules, and to be fair you can hardly blame them. They may know nothing else in the Bible, but they will know of the existence of the ten commandments. They may not know what they are, but they don’t sound like fun do…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 4.23-25

    Matthew 4.23-25 Speaking Notes – Caveat These notes are my speaking notes and are provided as an accompaniment to the recording. Please accept that they are not intended to be a published grammatically correct essay. I do hope and pray however they help you move towards Jesus. Now onto the content… Why when it comes…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 4:18-22

    This week we reach that point in Matthew where Jesus seemingly wanders up to a couple of random fishermen and brings them onto His team. In Exodus, after Moses has an encounter with a burning bush, he finds his life is turned in a completely different direction. Is all as it might seem, or is…