Bedhampton Church

Sermon Categories: Radio

  • Coffee With God – Genesis 2:8-17

    Coffee With God – Genesis 2:8-17 Jack Cross

  • APCM 2019 – Rector’s Comments

    Bedhampton APCM 2019 Rector’s Comments   Speaking Notes – Caveat These notes are my speaking notes and are provided as an accompaniment to the recording. Please accept that they are not intended to be a published grammatically correct essay. I do hope and pray however they help you move towards Jesus. Now onto the content……

  • Matthew’s Gospel 4.23-25

    Matthew 4.23-25 Speaking Notes – Caveat These notes are my speaking notes and are provided as an accompaniment to the recording. Please accept that they are not intended to be a published grammatically correct essay. I do hope and pray however they help you move towards Jesus. Now onto the content… Why when it comes…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 4:18-22

    This week we reach that point in Matthew where Jesus seemingly wanders up to a couple of random fishermen and brings them onto His team. In Exodus, after Moses has an encounter with a burning bush, he finds his life is turned in a completely different direction. Is all as it might seem, or is…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 4.12-17

    For many Christianity is about reserving a place in some future heaven. However, as we return to the book of Matthew we see Jesus announce His ministry on Earth by saying, “The kingdom of heaven has come near.” Jesus is so much more than an insurance ticket and this weekend we continue our exploration of…

  • What Is Our Purpose?

    Purpose (noun). The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. What is our reason for existing, our purpose? Knowing where we are going, our vision, and knowing who we are, our identity leads to knowing what we must do, our purpose. Doing what we were made to do as…

  • Who Am I?

    Sit two strangers down next to each and it won’t be long before one asks the other, “what do you do?” What they are really asking is, who are you, what box can I place you within? There is something deep inside us that is searching for a home, an identity, something that shows who…

  • When God Gives A Vision

    “I have a dream…” On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr delivered perhaps the most iconic words heard in any speech ever. Dreams are the lifeblood of hope and vision is the path towards that hope. The vision we know about is that God’s kingdom will come to this earth. We take one step…

  • Money and Worship – Matthew 6.19-21

    Is one of the pieces of evidence from a Jesus centred community radical generosity? Or is that simply a phrase that slightly over the top church leaders use? Are we being called as a Jesus centred community to be generous in our wider community, our nation and our world? The demands of this world seem…

  • VIP – The Journey

    What do you pack for a journey? For me, the first thing I grab is that black bag you may see me carrying around. Inside is everything I would want to have to hand. My Bible, notebook, pens, glasses chargers, cables, and the list goes on. This week we continue our Journey of walking towards…