Bedhampton Church

Sermon Speaker: Vanda Hawkes

  • Matthew’s Gospel 6.25-34

    Psalm 23:1-6 Matthew 6:25-34 Worry

  • Matthew’s Gospel 5.38-42

    Matthew 5.38-42 Vanda brings a tough question.

  • What Is Our Purpose?

    Purpose (noun). The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. What is our reason for existing, our purpose? Knowing where we are going, our vision, and knowing who we are, our identity leads to knowing what we must do, our purpose. Doing what we were made to do as…

  • Matthew’s Gospel 4.1-11

    This week we see Jesus taking some time out to prepare for the mission that is His purpose for being on this Earth. Unsurprisingly, Jesus hits some bumps in the road in the form of temptations and attacks from the enemies of God. Jesus never promises following him will be easy so we can expect…